When placing an order with us, you are verifying that the information and contents of the order are as complete and accurate as you can reasonably guarantee. We understand that mistakes happen and agree to listen to your request and explanation. We do not guarantee that we will modify your order for you. Any error made on your part is your responsibility but we will do our best to assist you while adhering to our own Policies (Terms and Conditions). If we agree to modify your order, you understand that promotional discounts will not be applied (I.E. adding an extra book for the Buy 2 Get 1 Free discount).
Orders can only be modified one time. You can add up to 3 books at the most and we cannot add books that are sold out or passed FOC (Finale Order Cut-off). Additional shipping charges may be incurred if your order is international or if the addition causes your order to exceed the weight limit for USPS First Class shipping (orders with free shipping will not be charged extra for the shipping). Please also be aware of the release dates listed at the end of the product titles as your order will not be shipped until the all items have been released.
We have provided you with all of the necessary information to assist you in making your order as accurate and complete as possible. If you are having trouble with placing the order or locating this information and can not find the answer in our Help Center, we encourage you to call us during business hours before placing the order so we can assist you. Below are some links to other articles regarding editing orders:
How to check out with Buy 2 Get 1 Free/Buy 3 Get 3 Free on the website
How to check out with B2G1/B3G3 on the app
A request for a change of address is a time sensitive matter and it is your responsibility to reach out to us until you have received confirmation that your address is changed. Calling the store during business hours is highly recommended as we can not guarantee that we will see an email or Facebook Message in time. If your order is returned to us by the postal service due to an inaccurate address or other error on your part we will ask you to pay for a new shipping label.
Below is an excerpt from our Terms and Conditions:
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