Most books on our website will come pre-packaged in a clear bag and board unless otherwise stated in the product description. There are typically two options for exclusives, Regular Bag or Mylar Bag and Top Loader. Mylar bags and top loaders cost an additional $2.50 per book. We only allow a limited number of this option due to our supply limitations so once they're sold out we can not offer more until our supplies are restocked. Non-exclusive or "weekly" books will not have this option. Ratios priced at around $50 or more will likely be packed in a complementary top loader for safe shipping.
Products that are not pre-bagged may include a note like this in the description:
Mylar bags are a thicker type of plastic than regular bags and top loaders are a hard plastic casing with the top open to insert and remove your comic. This is a good option for you if you're worried about you comic being damaged in the mail or you want to keep your comic securely stored away. We do not send top loaders with the intention of displaying them and we may tape them in some way prior to sending to you. This is to keep your comics together and minimize the chance of them sliding around in shipping.
Exclusive Example:
Weekly Book Example:
Top Loader:
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